Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got my 5 % - almost at 10 pounds!

Well I haven't written on here in a while but anyways, im getting back on track - im also really suprised at how fast im losing weight- an average of about 2 pounds per week.
This weigh in i got my 5% which is a total loss of 8.5 lbs! Im so excited ! I only have 1.5 lbs to go until i hit my first 10 lbs loss! woo
Im feeling better about myself and my blood sugar levels have been phenomenal since i started ww which is great b /c i had such a hard time during november and december...
I have to go do my research now...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

getting back on track!

Last night, i went to a weight watchers meeting, the first time in about 2 years. I was a bit nervous but now im just excited to start losing weight. Its crazy how weight sneaks up on you over the years.
My goal this week is to track track track and eat healthily.