Sunday, November 22, 2009

fall leaves part deux

fall leaves on my street

getting back at it'

The last few weeks have been a bit of a disaster in terms of eating wise. All last week i didn't track and my weight has been climbing up again. Today I weighed myself, a day before i usually do and i was at 174.5 lbs so my weight has jumped up 4 lbs - Probably some of it is water retention but still.
I have been uber busy working on another challenge, called the write a novel in november challenge and have been busy writing writing writing. Im now almost at 36 k (ooo) words so im getting there.
This is the start of a new day, im tracking! Also, my blood sugar has been out of wack too, it could be due to the fact that i wasn't tracking or maybe its the weather or what but anyways ,i have to get that under control.
Started a new exercise regimen this week - with jogging and swimming! Went 2 x joggin and 2 x swimming.
Hope to keep it up for next week - my goal for next week (starting today) is to track track track

in fatness,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

1rst of November!

Today is a beautiful day - time to get back on track after Halloween madness
The menu:
2 ww bread with pb and jam - 5
1 small choc bar and small cupcake - 5
1/2 cup strawberries - 0.5
balance = 24 - 10.5 = 13.5
1/2 cup tomatoes - 0
2 pizza pops - 12
balance = 1.5
2 lite pumpkin muffins - 2
ap - 3 - going for 60 minute walk
weigh in is tommorow so i hope i can stay the same..